Archive - Knowledge Base

Why Use Mats?
Whether it’s in hospitals, hotels, industrial and office suites, restaurants, shops, theatres or educational facilities, mats should be a key element in any building maintenance program. Without them, buildings incur hundreds, or even thousands of pounds a year in excessive cleaning costs.

Wiring illuminated signs
Controlling illuminated signage At LE Graphics we take care of the full installation of your illuminated signage. Generally modern signs are illuminated using low voltage LED’s which are super energy efficient, give a lovely even illumination in a wide variety of colour choices and last an incredibly long time. In fact most of our LED’s

Carpet Mat Shading
Why are my two mats different colours? Carpet shading is a common phenomenon which causes carpet to appear to be a different colour or shade depending on it’s orientation. The pile of the carpet will always lie in one direction and depending on which direction the ambient light comes from the pile will absorb or

Zero VAT on some printed materials
Struggling to rebuild trade in this post-pandemic era, many small businesses have been reminded of the benefits of good old-fashioned printed marketing materials. One of the reasons for this is that a lot of printed materials remain zero rated for VAT if you know the in’s and out’s of the VAT rules. There-in lies the

The Origin of Signs
Although no one can be absolutely sure, it is more than likely that the first signs used on a commercial basis were those advertising an alehouse as early as the fourteenth century BC. What is far more certain is that when the Romans came to Britain after AD43 they brought with them many of their

Washing and Drying Woolen and Lambswool Garments
If you were to look at a woollen fibre under a microscope you would see that the fibre is not smooth but made up of interconnecting scales or links. If during handling, washing, or drying these fibres are rubbed together too much, the fibres interlock and ratchet up into tight links of fibre which produces

A guide to supplying corporate clothing and staying within the law!
Have you heard about tax tabs? It is not surprising that although more and more companies are discovering that corporate clothing and a corporate identity are universally recognised as a requirement for a modern and stylish image many procurement and personnel professionals are not aware of all of the tax rules regarding uniforms. What many